obj.config = {
// id : string
// this is container element id
id: config.id,
// value : float
// value gauge is showing
value: kvLookup('value', config, dataset, 0, 'float'),
// defaults : bool
// defaults parameter to use
defaults: kvLookup('defaults', config, dataset, 0, false),
// parentNode : node object
// this is container element
parentNode: kvLookup('parentNode', config, dataset, null),
// width : int
// gauge width
width: kvLookup('width', config, dataset, null),
// height : int
// gauge height
height: kvLookup('height', config, dataset, null),
// title : string
// gauge title
title: kvLookup('title', config, dataset, ""),
// titleFontColor : string
// color of gauge title
titleFontColor: kvLookup('titleFontColor', config, dataset, "#999999"),
// titleFontFamily : string
// color of gauge title
titleFontFamily: kvLookup('titleFontFamily', config, dataset, "sans-serif"),
// titlePosition : string
// 'above' or 'below'
titlePosition: kvLookup('titlePosition', config, dataset, "above"),
// valueFontColor : string
// color of label showing current value
valueFontColor: kvLookup('valueFontColor', config, dataset, "#010101"),
// valueFontFamily : string
// color of label showing current value
valueFontFamily: kvLookup('valueFontFamily', config, dataset, "Arial"),
// symbol : string
// special symbol to show next to value
symbol: kvLookup('symbol', config, dataset, ''),
// min : float
// min value
min: kvLookup('min', config, dataset, 0, 'float'),
// max : float
// max value
max: kvLookup('max', config, dataset, 100, 'float'),
// reverse : bool
// reverse min and max
reverse: kvLookup('reverse', config, dataset, false),
// humanFriendlyDecimal : int
// number of decimal places for our human friendly number to contain
humanFriendlyDecimal: kvLookup('humanFriendlyDecimal', config, dataset, 0),
// textRenderer: func
// function applied before rendering text
textRenderer: kvLookup('textRenderer', config, dataset, null),
// gaugeWidthScale : float
// width of the gauge element
gaugeWidthScale: kvLookup('gaugeWidthScale', config, dataset, 1.0),
// gaugeColor : string
// background color of gauge element
gaugeColor: kvLookup('gaugeColor', config, dataset, "#edebeb"),
// label : string
// text to show below value
label: kvLookup('label', config, dataset, ''),
// labelFontColor : string
// color of label showing label under value
labelFontColor: kvLookup('labelFontColor', config, dataset, "#b3b3b3"),
// shadowOpacity : int
// 0 ~ 1
shadowOpacity: kvLookup('shadowOpacity', config, dataset, 0.2),
// shadowSize: int
// inner shadow size
shadowSize: kvLookup('shadowSize', config, dataset, 5),
// shadowVerticalOffset : int
// how much shadow is offset from top
shadowVerticalOffset: kvLookup('shadowVerticalOffset', config, dataset, 3),
// levelColors : string[]
// colors of indicator, from lower to upper, in RGB format
levelColors: kvLookup('levelColors', config, dataset, ["#a9d70b", "#f9c802", "#ff0000"], 'array', ','),
// startAnimationTime : int
// length of initial animation
startAnimationTime: kvLookup('startAnimationTime', config, dataset, 700),
// startAnimationType : string
// type of initial animation (linear, >, <, <>, bounce)
startAnimationType: kvLookup('startAnimationType', config, dataset, '>'),
// refreshAnimationTime : int
// length of refresh animation
refreshAnimationTime: kvLookup('refreshAnimationTime', config, dataset, 700),
// refreshAnimationType : string
// type of refresh animation (linear, >, <, <>, bounce)
refreshAnimationType: kvLookup('refreshAnimationType', config, dataset, '>'),
// donutStartAngle : int
// angle to start from when in donut mode
donutStartAngle: kvLookup('donutStartAngle', config, dataset, 90),
// valueMinFontSize : int
// absolute minimum font size for the value
valueMinFontSize: kvLookup('valueMinFontSize', config, dataset, 16),
// titleMinFontSize
// absolute minimum font size for the title
titleMinFontSize: kvLookup('titleMinFontSize', config, dataset, 10),
// labelMinFontSize
// absolute minimum font size for the label
labelMinFontSize: kvLookup('labelMinFontSize', config, dataset, 10),
// minLabelMinFontSize
// absolute minimum font size for the minimum label
minLabelMinFontSize: kvLookup('minLabelMinFontSize', config, dataset, 10),
// maxLabelMinFontSize
// absolute minimum font size for the maximum label
maxLabelMinFontSize: kvLookup('maxLabelMinFontSize', config, dataset, 10),
// hideValue : bool
// hide value text
hideValue: kvLookup('hideValue', config, dataset, false),
// hideMinMax : bool
// hide min and max values
hideMinMax: kvLookup('hideMinMax', config, dataset, false),
// hideInnerShadow : bool
// hide inner shadow
hideInnerShadow: kvLookup('hideInnerShadow', config, dataset, false),
// humanFriendly : bool
// convert large numbers for min, max, value to human friendly (e.g. 1234567 -> 1.23M)
humanFriendly: kvLookup('humanFriendly', config, dataset, false),
// noGradient : bool
// whether to use gradual color change for value, or sector-based
noGradient: kvLookup('noGradient', config, dataset, false),
// donut : bool
// show full donut gauge
donut: kvLookup('donut', config, dataset, false),
// relativeGaugeSize : bool
// whether gauge size should follow changes in container element size
relativeGaugeSize: kvLookup('relativeGaugeSize', config, dataset, false),
// counter : bool
// animate level number change
counter: kvLookup('counter', config, dataset, false),
// decimals : int
// number of digits after floating point
decimals: kvLookup('decimals', config, dataset, 0),
// customSectors : [] of objects
// number of digits after floating point
customSectors: kvLookup('customSectors', config, dataset, []),
// formatNumber: boolean
// formats numbers with commas where appropriate
formatNumber: kvLookup('formatNumber', config, dataset, false),
// pointer : bool
// show value pointer
pointer: kvLookup('pointer', config, dataset, false),
// pointerOptions : object
// define pointer look
pointerOptions: kvLookup('pointerOptions', config, dataset, [])
WTScada HTML5组态软件优点